California (CA) - Wealth Protection Strategies Fri, 30 Dec 2022 19:47:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 California (CA) - 32 32 Federal Retirement Planning – San Diego, CA Fri, 30 Dec 2022 19:47:17 +0000 Do you live in the San Diego area and need help with your federal retirement planning? Federal employers offer excellent benefits, but also have some of the most complicated benefits of any other employer. Making the right choices for your individual situation starts with understanding your options, which may be hard to do. For example, Read More

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Do you live in the San Diego area and need help with your federal retirement planning? Federal employers offer excellent benefits, but also have some of the most complicated benefits of any other employer. Making the right choices for your individual situation starts with understanding your options, which may be hard to do.

For example, do you know how much it would cost to leave a survivor benefit to your spouse if you passed away? What if your spouse passed first? Do you know what would happen to your money? You deserve to understand how different situations may potentially affect your life.

Because of this, it pays to work with an independent and experienced federal retirement planning consultant who can explain your federal benefits to you rather than simply going it alone. You can start by searching for a federal retirement planning consultant serving San Diego or any of the other surrounding cities and counties. At, we proudly serve San Diego, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Del Mar, Julian, Pine Valley, Mt. Laguna, El Cajon, Chula Vista, and the surrounding areas.

If you have questions about what your benefits look like now, what they will look like at separation of service, generating a reliable income stream from your TSP, how life changes may impact your benefits, common benefits mistakes, your options for retirement, and technical questions such as the cost of a survivor benefit, we can help. We can usually cover all your federal retirement benefits planning questions in an hour or so.

Call us at 877.476.9723, and you will be connected to a independent financial professional. Your benefits consultant will run a comprehensive federal benefits analysis report that is unique to you, so that you can identify gaps in your benefits and determine ways to cover them. Both the meeting and the report are free.

You will walk out of your meeting with a much better understanding of the federal benefits that are available to you, as well as what different options you may have. Contact us today to request your individualized, free-of-charge benefits walkthrough.

A Mandate for Federal Benefits Education for All U.S. Government Employees

Request Your Federal Benefits Analysis

Join hundreds and hundreds of other federal employees from all agencies -- gain clarity for your financial future. Complete the form to request your free federal benefits analysis and walkthrough.

Did you know that the U.S. Government is mandated to provide you with retirement literacy and benefits education, per OPM guidelines and U.S. Code Title 5? This mandate states that you are entitled to this sort of education on an ongoing basis. While that may sound great in theory, it doesn’t always play out that way.

There is no routine, across-agency standard for how the federal government is fulfilling this education. Your experiences may even include hurried presentations filled with holes. Perhaps you had an 800-number, with long wait times, given to you to call if you have questions.

Your benefits affect the financial well-being of your family as well as you personally. This widespread lack of knowledge that U.S. Government employees have about their hard-earned benefits is completely unacceptable. You more than deserve to understand your benefits, your options, and how various life changes may affect each of these things.

When you are a federal employee ready for help planning your retirement, contact us. Our financial professionals have been privileged to serve a multitude of U.S. Government employees across the country. Your individualized federal retirement planning guide will answer all your questions and more, and even provide you with a free, personalized federal benefits analysis. The goal is to help you envision your future as far out as you desire, regardless of where you are in your career.

How Can a Federal Retirement Planning Consultant Assist You?

The federal employee benefits that you have earned will depend on the retirement system to which you belong, which is going to be either CSRS or FERS. More than 90% of federal employees belong to FERS, but some long-term federal government employees may be covered by CSRS.

If you are in a unique federal employment situation, such as law enforcement, you may have unique benefits. Talk to us for individual, personalized advice regarding your specific situation. Whether you are a new career hire or a long-time GS/GM-level employee, searching for
information on your federal employee benefits may have been a concerning experience. Although there is a ton of information available online, it can be all over the place, cookie-cutter, or one-size-fits-all—hardly a good fit for your personal conditions.

federal-retirement-planning-san-diego-california-img-1You need this benefits information to be customized to you so that you can make well-informed financial decisions that will affect the future of you and your family. Instead of settling for generic, across-the-board guidance that isn’t focused on you, why not work with someone who can answer your personal questions about your unique benefits? One of our benefits consultants can show you more about your specific benefits, provide computations for what they look like now and in the future, and explain the options available for you to maximize those benefits.

When you contact us, you will be connected to a financial professional who can answer your toughest questions. They will also provide you with a free, personal, integrated federal benefits analysis personalized to you.

What’s In a Personalized Federal Benefits Analysis?

Have Questions About Your Financial Goals?

Your federal benefits analysis will contain an integrated walkthrough of all your benefits, including your pension, life insurance coverage, surviving spouse benefit options, retirement investment plan, and how everything ties together.

These different aspects of your federal retirement planning picture will be covered:

  • Computations for your federal employee benefits
  • Present and future pension calculations
  • TSP, FEGLI & Social security projections, among others
  • How much money you will have each month when you retire
  • Survivor benefits, and life coverage information
  • Different timing options for you to retire based on your benefits and income

Your federal employee benefits consultant will be able to answer your questions about your report. They can also answer questions on topics like military buyback, sick leave, and CSRS Offset situations.

Get Personalized Guidance with Federal Retirement Planning

Our mission at is to help you understand your federal retirement benefits and how everything comes together. Our meetings last roughly about an hour or so, so we can get you all the information you need to make well-informed decisions about your hard-earned benefits in a pinch. You can request your free integrated federal benefits analysis and report via the form on this page, or by phone.

Contact us at 877.476.9723 and we will connect you to a independent federal retirement planning consultant serving the San Diego metropolitan area.

For years, our team has helped tens of thousands of households learn and plan for a successful retirement. If you are looking to find different options for your benefits and financial future, feel free to reach out at any point in your journey. Give us a call, and we will show you how personalized service can make a world of difference to your retirement strategy.

We look forward to serving you!

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