Safe Money Specialist
Judy has 32+ years of professional experience in the financial industry, most recently specializing in retirement income planning. An expert in customer service, Judy is in charge of managing operations, administration and the development of each retirement income plan.
As a licensed insurance agent (life and annuity), she is available to assist you in many ways.
In addition to her work for as a Life and Annuity Agent, Judy is an active licensed Title Agent with Saratoga Title in Warrenton, VA, a Certified Public Notary, and a licensed (inactive) Real Estate Agent.
Judy was recognized by Cambridge Who’s Who for showing dedication, leadership and excellence in all aspects of financial services
Judy enjoys her involvement with her Church, especially the children’s ministry, to include Sunday School, AWANA, GA’s and VBS. She also serves as Sunday School Director.
“As a Baby Boomer, and like many others facing the senior years of life, I feel that it is most important to have a ‘retirement income plan’ in place. At my age, I would not have the time (in years) to make back money lost in investments having ‘risk of loss’. The fixed indexed annuity provides ‘safety’ and many other options. It serves as a pension that I can design myself. Deciding when to start an income stream that I cannot outlive is a feature that is most attractive to me. If you feel the same, we should definitely have a discussion, soon.”
My potential client is approaching retirement age, with focus on securing his/her accumulated assets, thus stepping into the disbursement phase of life with the comfort of knowing that retirement can truly be enjoyed. Whether your goal is to structure a retirement plan or your legacy, I can assist you along the way.