
403(b) Distribution Rules – How They Work


Are you counting on a 403(b) plan to help you in retirement? It helps to understand your 403(b) distribution rules so that you can make the most of your money. After spending so many years building up those retirement assets, you want to make the best possible use of them.

Many public employees have a 403(b) account. In retirement planning, they find that they can retire at as much as 60 percent or so of their career income without using any individualized income planning. However, some people will prefer to have a retirement income that is more than just that.

This article will cover 403(b) distribution rules and options at a high level. The goal is to help you make more well-informed decisions about your retirement savings and your financial future. You will also learn some options to help close any income gaps between what you expect to get and what you need to cover your preferred lifestyle in retirement.

The first option – always available – is simply to keep your savings in your 403(b) retirement plan. However, the mutual funds or other investment options in these plans can vary widely in terms of fees and investment options available. If you are happy with how your money has done so far, you might choose to keep it where it is.

However, you will still face required withdrawals in the future via required minimum distributions (see below) if you choose this route. Let’s get more into the various 403(b) distribution rules now.

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How Does a 403(b) Work When You Retire?

You have worked hard for years, but you may be uncertain about what to do with your 403(b) after you leave your job. If you are at or near retirement and you have been saving money in your 403(b) plan during that time, you can have several options.

Retirement is a major life milestone, and knowing the paths that you can take with your retirement savings can have a big impact on the quality of life you can enjoy after you stop working. Here is a breakdown of the different choices of what you can do with your 403(b) after you have left a full-time career, and how each of these options work.

As you go over your 403(b) retirement options, a good thing to think about is how, in retirement, you will replace the income that you brought home from your career. Your retirement savings inside your 403(b), and probably money inside other accounts, will come into play here.

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