Federal Retirement Planning – Anderson, IN

Are you looking for federal retirement planning help near Anderson, Indiana? Retirement benefits for federal employees are one of the best incentives for working for the U.S. Government. Unfortunately, federal retirement planning is also a very complex topic. For one, the federal employee benefits to which you are entitled depend on a variety of factors. Then there is the question of how to make the most of your benefits in your individual situation.
It’s good to work with a federal retirement planning counselor who has the expertise to help you sort out which benefits you qualify for and when to use them. That is one way in which you can be more confident about understanding your benefits, exploring different options with them, and not leaving money on the table.
Begin by looking for an independent federal benefits consultant serving your community. You will want someone who understands your unique situation and benefits as a U.S. Government employee.
Here at SafeMoney.com, we only work with knowledgeable, independent financial professionals. Our experts proudly serve the communities of Anderson, Alexandria, Daleville, Yorktown, New Castle, Knightstown, Indianapolis, Carmel, Shelbyville, Greenwood, Plainfield, Danville, Brownsburg, and the surrounding areas.
They are federal retirement professionals who offer free benefits education to all U.S. Government employees. No matter which federal agency you work for, you can work with a benefits consultant who will take a look at your years of service and help you maximize your federal retirement benefits. Our team works in tandem with the Office of Personnel Management. We serve as an extra, and impartial source of information.
If you would like to talk to an expert and ask questions about your specific situation, give us a call at 877.476.9723. It usually takes less than an hour for one of our independent federal retirement planning experts to review your benefits and answer your questions. We will also produce a free Federal Benefits Analysis report for you. This report includes a list of all your available benefits, as well as information on when it’s ok to begin using them, and what they are worth.
What Have Other Federal Employees Experienced?
At SafeMoney.com we have helped tens of thousands of households successfully plan for retirement over the last ten years. In the past, multiple federal employees – even senior financial officials – have come back to us and thanked us for their retirement benefits walkthrough. They have told us that these complimentary benefits analyses and explanations would have been worth thousands of dollars to them, simply because they made a complex, frustrating topic so easy to understand and take action on.
Your federal retirement benefits are the cherry on top of a lifetime of service. You have worked hard to earn them and we want to make sure you get to use every single one. Our experts work hard to remove the frustration from the process, leaving you with the knowledge to get everything you have earned and a roadmap to take with you into retirement.
Federal Benefits Education Is Available for all Federal Employees
Request Your Federal Benefits Analysis
Join hundreds and hundreds of other federal employees from all agencies -- gain clarity for your financial future. Complete the form to request your free federal benefits analysis and walkthrough.
For some employees, federal benefits education is limited to a packet of papers and an impersonal 800 hotline. You might have received some information at your time of hire, and you may have attended some uninspiring benefits briefings during your Government career. But this hasn’t given you the information that you want and need to make well-informed benefits decisions for you and your family. Sometimes the only way you can get this information is to actively seek it out and try to interpret it.
The specific benefits that you are entitled to also depend on which retirement system you participate in: CSRS, FERS, or the Blended Retirement System. Our federal retirement planning experts are well-educated, independent, and understand exactly which benefits belong to you based on your years of service and your retirement system. We will help you walk through, understand, and leave with more peace of mind about taking advantage of all your federal retirement benefits.
What Is In Your Federal Benefits Analysis?
When you reach out to us, your dedicated federal benefits consultant will generate a personalized benefits analysis and retirement planning report for you. This report includes a rundown of the federal employee benefits you have earned, estimates of what they look like now and years ahead, and what your options are for retirement. They will go over this information about your situation with you.
In your federal retirement planning walkthrough, you will receive:
- Specific dollar amount calculations of your federal employee benefits.
- Calculations of your pension, both now and in the future.
- The projected amounts of your Social Security, FEGLI benefits, and TSP account.
- The amount of money you can expect to receive each month during retirement.
- Information on your life coverage, survivor benefits, and more.
- Your ideal retirement date, based on your income and benefits calculations.
Once you receive a copy of your report, your advisor will be happy to answer your questions. Our experts can answer even tough benefits questions about things like CSRS offsets, military buyback, sick leave, and more.
Stop Guesswork and See Your Federal Retirement Planning Picture
Have Questions About Your Financial Goals?
877.476.9723You can fill out the form on this page, or call us directly at 877.476.9723. We will connect you with a personal federal benefits counselor serving your area, who will get you started. If you do fill out the form, just be sure to say that you are requesting your complimentary retirement and federal benefits education.
SafeMoney.com has been highlighted in lots of popular media outlets including Fox News, CNBC, US News Money, MSNBC, and many more. We have had the honor of helping tens of thousands of people across the United States plan for retirement and secure their financial future. Our team looks forward to talking to you, serving you, and helping create your personalized benefits analysis today.